The Newcomer Advisory Table (NAT) is a volunteer group comprised of Durham residents born outside of Canada. They offer support to the LIP by providing their insights.

Over the past year, the NAT has played a role in initiatives and strategic planning efforts. They have actively contributed to the development of the new Region's and LIP Strategic Plan, supported in LIP’s events, and provided valuable consultation for projects involving both our partners and the LIP itself. The efforts and engagement from the members of the NAT has been valuable to the LIP work. 

Below are biographies for some members of the Newcomer Advisory Table. 

Faizan Shujaat  

Faizan ShujaatBeing part of the NAT is meaningful to me because it gives me the chance to connect with others who have walked a similar path. In a community where over 25% of the population are immigrants, it feels rewarding to know that my experiences can help shape a community that welcomes and supports everyone. 

Durham’s warmth and inclusivity are what truly make it feel like home to me. Knowing that over 60% of the immigrants here are of core working age, I see the vibrancy and dynamism this brings to the community. The support networks, community events, and the Region’s openness make the transition smoother for newcomers, helping us integrate and contribute to this growing and diverse population. 

Newcomers are a tremendous asset to Durham because they bring fresh perspectives, skills, and energy that fuel the region’s growth. Many of us come as economic immigrants, eager to make a positive impact on the local economy and community. Our diverse backgrounds enrich Durham’s cultural fabric, and our shared experiences create a more connected and innovative community. Newcomers help make Durham a place where different perspectives come together to build something truly special 

Noor A Rasul 

Noor A RasulBeing part of the NAT serves as a bridge between newcomers and the established community. It is important for facilitating integration, gathering feedback, encouraging engagement, promoting diversity and strengthening community ties.  

Overall, the Newcomer Advisory Table plays a crucial role for me in creating a welcoming and vibrant community by integrating new perspectives and ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. 

Newcomers bring a lot of value to Durham, enriching the community in several ways – through diverse perspectives, economic growth, cultural enrichment, community engagement, talent and skills, and fresh perspectives on local issues.  

Overall, newcomers can help keep Durham dynamic and evolving, contributing to its growth and vibrancy. 

Priscilla Kyosimire 

Priscilla KyosimireBeing part of the NAT has offered me a unique opportunity to influence the strategic direction of the Durham Local Immigration Partnership (DLIP), contributing to initiatives that directly impact the community through shaping policies and programs that enhance economic prosperity, service coordination, and a sense of belonging among newcomers. Serving on the NAT has provided networking opportunities, leadership experience, and given me the chance to make a meaningful difference in the lives of fellow newcomers.   

Durham Region feels like home because of its blend of urban amenities and natural beauty. Accessible services and programs, helps residents quickly establish a sense of belonging and connection. Additionally, the Region’s commitment to inclusivity and opportunities for personal and professional growth makes it a place where people can thrive and feel at home.  

Newcomers are an asset to the Durham Region because they contribute to the area’s economic growth by filling labor market gaps, starting businesses, and increasing consumer demand. They also enhance the region’s cultural diversity, bringing new perspectives and skills that enrich the community and foster innovation.   

Shriya Seksaria 

Shriya SeksariaDurham is a welcoming community where people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures come together to create a strong sense of belonging. The region’s natural beauty, vibrant cultural scene, and commitment to growth enhance this connection. Newcomers play a crucial role by bringing fresh perspectives, skills, and cultural experiences that enrich the community, boost economic growth through entrepreneurship, and enhance social and cultural vibrancy. As an immigrant working in the settlement sector, I understand the challenges newcomers face. Serving on the Newcomer Advisory Table enables me to advocate for inclusive policies and use my experience to help build a more supportive and inclusive community for everyone.



Vilma Oliveros  

Vilma OliverosI volunteer with the NAT because I want to make Durham a safe and welcoming place for every newcomer.  

Durham welcomed me and my family over 10 years ago and it’s been the place where my kids have grown, where we've met new friends, and where we now feel at home!   

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